Most Important Wonder-Material Since Plastic

Brian Hicks

Posted March 21, 2012

It’s transparent.

It’s 200 times stronger than steel.

It’s capable of handling pressures of 150 million pounds per square inch.

A single sheet of it is the thickness of one carbon atom.

It will soon be used to revolutionize dozens of technologies from solar-cells to semi-conductors… to body-armor and medical diagnostic devices… to hyper-fast micro-processors that can literally be printed out on a sheet of plastic…

This material is so advanced — and so unlike anything to come before it — that in 2010, the two scientists who’d been working on it won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Perhaps most amazing of all, however, is that between 2008 and 2009, the price of producing this once theoretical molecule went down by a factor of ten

Which to me can only mean one thing:

This stuff is on the verge of becoming mass produced for the consumer market.

This breakthrough is such a game-changer, I really don’t know what the long-term effects of it will be.

The only thing I can really compare it to is when DuPont introduced the world’s first modern plastics in the 1950s and 1960s.

But even that comparison doesn’t do justice to how this material will change the world.

Few people have heard of it today, but the high-tech materials industry has already prepared itself for this revolution to begin…

A number of companies known for engineering things like conductors, optical equipment, and carbon compounds have already started to experiment with their own applications for this substance.

But as varied as the new products and technologies that this advancement will make possible are, all of the applications have one thing in common: They all require the same raw material from which to synthesize this new molecule.

Until recently, China produced nearly 80% of the world’s supply of this raw material.

Unfortunately for the Chinese, what they produce is mostly of a quality that cannot be synthesized into the final product — and is therefore used in different applications.

There is a North American-based company, however, that specializes in producing the right variety… and a lot of it.

In fact, because of the highly-specialized mineral deposit located on their property — the biggest deposit of this kind on the planet — it’s probably the most important outfit of its kind operating anywhere in the world today.

My colleague Nick Hodge has been studying this company since last fall.

He flew to meet and talk with the CEO and saw the operation with his own two eyes.

Since Nick began his research, this stock has gained over 100% as the story of this company (and the industry they’ll play a key role in building) spread through the professional investor community:

But with a market cap of just $93 million, this company is only scratching the surface in terms of the kinds of gains they’ll see once this information makes its way into the mainstream financial media…

Tomorrow, March 22nd, Nick will be hosting a free webinar on this company at 7 p.m.

He’ll explain everything in detail: the technology; the day-to-day operations that, in just a few years, will help to make it a household name; and of course, the potential gains early investors should expect to see.

Slots have been limited, so click here to guarantee yourself a seat right now.

To your wealth,

Brian Hicks Signature

Brian Hicks

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Brian is a founding member and President of Angel Publishing. He writes about general investment strategies for Wealth Daily and Energy & Capital. For more on Brian, take a look at his editor’s page.

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